Wednesday, May 17, 2006

posting posting



Blogger Leiro said...

Hello. I just came to your site from Sue's! Love the quote's. At uni I had quotes up all over the walls to inspire me I guess,,,

6:14 PM  
Blogger Leiro said...

Re. Sue:

I've not heard anything aside from what is on the BLOG. I am a little concerned but I guess she might still be jungle minded and not have access to a computer...? I'll let you know if I hear anything.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Leiro said...

you seem to have quit blogging? Did ya just get bored or frustrated? I quite liked the quotes... bit of a quote fan myself but not nearly well read enough to profess any decent knowledge of them! I am so jet lagged I am not even sure that any of those words fit together to make a sentence but just wanted to say thanks for letting me know Sue was OK. I was getting kind of worried.

take care!

8:35 AM  
Blogger Leiro said...


I had been in Cuba. It was amazing. I shouldn't imagine it is top of your list considering the US government imposeses a 250K fine for visting! Conveniently the Cubans give an entry Visa that they simply remove when you leave the country. I have therefore 'never been', at least as far as America is concerned ;-)

Nice to hear Sue is alive and kicking! Does she know that she started a global sue hunt? lol... only Sue...

1:47 PM  

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