Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Possible women candidates for president

Yes, that is what the blog was originally supposed to be about. So lets begin with making a list of possible women candidates. Hillary, Oprah, Elizabeth Dole, Diane Finestein. I'l open for suggestions. I will start a list to put on the side of this blog and I'm open for suggestions!

So what do you want to hear?

Let me first say this. I believe in an American where people are proud to be intelligent. Why do we work hard to take care for our family and to send our kids to college, if we make fun of intellectual people and discussion?

What the hell happened to us? Why do alot of people have a difficult time holding two contrasting ideas in their head at the same time? What ever happened to respecting other people's points of view even if they are not your own? What ever happened to live and let live?

As we go on, I plan to disuss how the evangelical movement in this country has led not to Jesus like loving behavior, but to judgemental critical interaction with people and a overwhelming lack of tolerance for people who don't think like we do.

The push now is to make everything black and white, with no gray area. The push is to make everyone "choose a side". You are either for us or against us, either a red stater or a blue stater. This is all is a direct reflection of the over whelming evangelical movement in this country today.

I plan to review the structure and characteristics of cults and cult behavior and show the stiking similarity between cluts and the popular evangelical movement in ths country today.

The difficulty posting

I was going to keep up with this blog, however it has become more and more difficult to get the pages to update. Can't figure what the heck is going on, but the servers must be jacked up with too many pages.Go figure. Lets see how long this takes to update. it is 7:25EST