Thursday, January 26, 2006

Two more good ones

"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentors, not the tormented. Wherever anyone is persecuted for their race or political views, that place must become the center of the universe." - Elie Wiesel, acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, 1986

"The problems we face will not be solved by the minds who created them." -Albert Einstein

you never know who reads this

You never know who reads this blog.

I have a feeling there may be someone at my work who has been reading this. I am not sure though. So let me say this. I think that it is possible to do the work I do and not have it be the focus of my life. I think that the people you work with become like a defacto family. Just in the fact tht you spend all this time with them. But the reality of the situation is that they are not your family. One of the reasons I took this kind of job is that it allows me time outside of work to do what I want. With other jobs I've had you not only did your time in the office, you worked all weekend and evenings as well.

I'm looking for a balance here. I hope that I can work with my coworkers without a huge drama. I think we're finally at a place where we can coexist in peace. I would hope so. I don't want to have to expend a huge amount of energy there- other than what's required to do a good job.

There has been a personal situation at work. And it is my sincerest hope and prayer that this situation has resolved itself to everyone's satisfaction. I know that I sure am ready to move on. So lets just do that, shall we?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

another good one

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I
have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes
along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, January 23, 2006

and the foolishness continues

You know I just got done reading my friend's blog. It sure as hell puts things into perspective here. The rev at the church I've been attending spoke about Martin Luther King, Jr and the fact that many people aren't aware that the last three years of his life - his work moved beyond the boundries of black white racial issues and he wrote and preached more about class issues and the mistake of the Vietnam war.

It is amazing that many Americans don't have one idea how the rest of the world lives.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

its a shame

Unfortunatley everyone that you are nice to is not nice back. I started what I thought was a friendship. Last week I found out this chick thought it was something more. And looking back- i see where for a while now- she's been telling everyone where we work that I have a thing for her.

It makes me sad. That she felt it necessary to attack me in this way. I have a partner that I am very happy with and have no desire to be unfaithful to my partner. Unfortunatley some people mistake friendship for something else. I like to joke around alot and I'm a very playful person. I've never had this happen to me before. its so sad. I'm sure somewhere in there a nice person exists. I have the feeling that early on she decided she didn't like me and then as time went by she found herself liking me, but had trashed me so much to my coworkers and her partner at the beginning-that she would look like an ass if she told them all she changed her mind. And so the nicer I was to her the more frustrated she became.

It may very well be that she thinks I have a thing for her and the nicer I was- she thought I was trying to come on to her- but that was just not true. And why if she felt nothing- did her message say I'm not available at this time- not just- I'm not available? These are the questions that will never be asked or answered.

Its sad. Its just plain sad that some people have to tear down others in order to make themselves feel better. Her loss. I wish she would just leave me alone and go on her way in peace, but she seems to be very angry and has now started getting in little jabs when we work together.

Its almost like she's mad at me for quashing her notion that I have a thing for her.
Life is strange. Now go away. Peace out.

There are times

There are times in our life when we want to standup and shout about something. Particularly when an injustice occurs. There are times however, when the best thing to do- is not to speak. To peacefully move away from a situation. I know that there are forces in play which are greater than myself and I call on them to somehow make the situation right. I call on them to surround me in a protective white light force which will not allow harm to come to me and my family. And to create a binding force with which to gently hold back others that wish to do harm to us.

Blessed Be.