Friday, February 17, 2006

Barry Bradley

This was written by Barry Bradley, who was a writer for the Saint Peterburg Times. He passed away from lung cancer recently. He was aware he had cancer and this is taken from one of the last articles he wrote.

Fear will always wither in the face of courage, just as anger will fade in the presence of kindness;

The darkness of death will wane in the light of God's love and all sorrow will be washed away.

My body will be gone soon, but my soul will survive.

I will but wrap the warm blankets of a full life about me and peacefully go to sleep in the arms of the angels.

Goodbye and God bless.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

here's a thought

Can you imagine that one day people would actually get along with one another?

I am floored. recently there has been change in the air and someone I thought would never speak to me again- is speaking to me.

I am happy about that. I don't care for conflict. It wears me down. And I had hoped this person would be my friend. I hope that will be so again.

Hmmmmm, it is a strange stange world, where we come from.

I volunteered to do a project tonight that I am not sure I can do. Well we'll give it a try. All you can so is all you can do.